02-10-2010 07:35 AM
Hello.I have a netbook with the maximum ram it can be install 2GB!!The problem i have is that, if i disable the paging file-virtual memory, the netbook reach the maximum of its actual memory and close all the programs i am using, because the graphic card is taking 224MB of memory ,from the 2GB Ram.If i enable the virtual memory then the SSD will it wear quickly.What can i do?how much memory to set for the virtual?How "quickly" is the wear?Thanks a lot.
02-10-2010 09:52 AM
You won't wear out your SSD. You can write 10s of GBs to it day after day and it'll last longer than your computer. Just let the OS use the paging file it wants and stop worrying about it.
02-11-2010 11:15 AM
Putting the pagefile on the SSD is not bad. The link here will explain more. http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/05/05/support-and-q-a-for-solid-state-drives-and.aspx