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Is 320 firmware buggy?

Esteemed Contributor III

Be wary of the new Intel SSD 320 series. Currently, there's a bug in the

controller that can cause the device to revert to 8MB during a power failure. AFAIK they have not yet publicly announced it, and won't have a firmware fix ready for release until the end of July. We had an SSD 320 600GB 2.5" SATA drive in for evaluation from our Intel rep. I was able to kill it in two or three hours by power cycling it. Apparently (according to the Intel rep) when the power failure is happening, the SSD device tries to reconnect with the SATA port instead of initiating a proper shutdown. Something to do with interrupt priority being higher for reconnection rather than a proper shutdown.

I don't know how much truth is to this post. Has there been any official acknowledgement of this problem?

125 REPLIES 125

Esteemed Contributor III

just wondering

maybe there is bad batch in 320series ?

if from 600 ssds only 7 that went fail, then it means the failure rate is 1%

Esteemed Contributor III

But it is still a concern that this unpredictable event can occur during a normal shutdown, which has been reported here and other forums elsewhere. And, there is no way to examine this issue until the bug appears.

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi All. To clarify what I wrote earlier. I must say that 7 SSD's within a (so far) grand total of 600 SSD's failing within 3 months of use, is considered quite unreliable. It doesnt mean the failure rate is 1%, since it can happen at any time. I'd consider it a 1% failure rate if the 7 drives were DOA (Dead On Arrival). How will it look in ½ year from now? We might end up with a lot more than 7 dead SSD's in the long run. Our drives died under these circumstances: During reboot Idling on desktop for 3 days doing abolutely nothing, when i came back next morning, drive was dead. Martin // Teamlead IT Helpdesk

Esteemed Contributor III

i am keep watching this forum, because i am 320series user and want to know more regarding this issue

@Martin J

for 1% i said, maybe i should better saying that the bug happen percentage rather than failure rate

you should check whether the drive that failed is on same setting (power setting, system, hardware) or not, so we can get pattern how the issue can happen

and also look your ssd batch# /version# , are they same or not

because if is from same batch# /version# , then we kinda get an answer

as intel acknowledge this issue, they doing things to track down issue, as user i think good idea to help provide them with more info

so they can fix the issue faster like we all want, rather than just urging for the fix

Esteemed Contributor III

Great idea about posting SSD info, I don't think publish this information can harm anyone.

Mine "revived" SSD:



SA: G22723-505

PBA: G21056-505

WWN: 500151795951E26D


MM# : 913233

PACKED BY: M032269