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Is 320 firmware buggy?

Esteemed Contributor III

Be wary of the new Intel SSD 320 series. Currently, there's a bug in the

controller that can cause the device to revert to 8MB during a power failure. AFAIK they have not yet publicly announced it, and won't have a firmware fix ready for release until the end of July. We had an SSD 320 600GB 2.5" SATA drive in for evaluation from our Intel rep. I was able to kill it in two or three hours by power cycling it. Apparently (according to the Intel rep) when the power failure is happening, the SSD device tries to reconnect with the SATA port instead of initiating a proper shutdown. Something to do with interrupt priority being higher for reconnection rather than a proper shutdown.

I don't know how much truth is to this post. Has there been any official acknowledgement of this problem?

125 REPLIES 125

Esteemed Contributor III

If you haven't had any problems why bother posting, and besides this thread was meant for the unhappy SSD campers, so what is your thesis besides telling us your drives work.

Esteemed Contributor III

sogerstortep, I did not post a "thesis" and as an owner and user of an Intel 320 SSD, I would like this thread to perhaps get the attention of Intel and generate a fix. But my post was to remind you that this is a technical forum for exchange of pertinent information that can help people get a better idea of 1) the scope of the problem, 2) the way it manifests, and hopefully 3) progress to a solution. It is not a place for "unhappy SSD campers" to simply rant about their problems. You started off in the alternate thread with a technical issue, discussing your SSD failure, but your previous posting (# 85 /message/132352# 132352 132352) was a paranoid and misinformed rant about companies in general, not one bit of technical or helpful information.

I understand you are frustrated, but your previous post regarding how you view corporations and what you claim is their absolute disregard for their products or customers is simply delusional raving, and will only serve to discourage anyone with real input, or perhaps Intel reps themselves, from taking this thread seriously. I'm trying to encourage you to keep it professional, not personal (and certainly not filled with irrational ranting.)

Esteemed Contributor III

what the fact is :

- the potential issue dont have detailed info, it just saying power-cycle for 2-3hours will make the ssd fail.

it don't have ssd, you can try with your hdd, power-cycle it 2-3hours, even it survive i think there are possibility dataloss

- with mix of other people issue with their 320 ssd, rather that power-cycle the one causing the issue, it seems a failure within the ssd (either hardware or firmware) that make the drive detected with 8mb size

- intel already sold many unit since april 2011? (correct me if i wrong), and so far only small amount that report the issue, which could lead it just defect/fail unit like other pc component. It not always need to be DOA, like your hdd or any computer parts, it can die after few days/month of usage

for people have your ssd fail:

1. Do you RMA the drive ? If no, i think you should try to RMA it first

2. If yes, is the drive working fine ? or having same problem ?

3. If you have same problem, then share us your system information, well to troubleshoot you can't just point to the broken/fail parts, it can be other things that cause the issue

Esteemed Contributor III

I bought 160GB 320 series on 01.06.2011, now it is working fine.

I had only one power failure, anyways it is working good.

Esteemed Contributor III

My SN is 1R8P1PBJG8

version: G17906-601