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Is 320 firmware buggy?

Esteemed Contributor III

Be wary of the new Intel SSD 320 series. Currently, there's a bug in the

controller that can cause the device to revert to 8MB during a power failure. AFAIK they have not yet publicly announced it, and won't have a firmware fix ready for release until the end of July. We had an SSD 320 600GB 2.5" SATA drive in for evaluation from our Intel rep. I was able to kill it in two or three hours by power cycling it. Apparently (according to the Intel rep) when the power failure is happening, the SSD device tries to reconnect with the SATA port instead of initiating a proper shutdown. Something to do with interrupt priority being higher for reconnection rather than a proper shutdown.

I don't know how much truth is to this post. Has there been any official acknowledgement of this problem?

125 REPLIES 125

Esteemed Contributor III

So, I'm the next one ....

My SSD320 with 120GB "died" today with the 8MB failure. The SSD working now for about 2 1/2 months ..... not very reliable.

Esteemed Contributor III


no offense, but its SSD we talking here, not spindle hdd that cheap nowdays

you should compare it to other SSD manufacture, not other storage maker

and as the bug is not widespread, i mean if it widespread like B3 chipset intel sure will replace the part

because at to this point, intel seems still verifiying the issue, so it can be just failure product which can happen like in any part of the pc


if you dont mind post your drive batch# /version#

so we can gather data, and see if the issue is batch / version issue or not

Esteemed Contributor III

@ slyphnier I am just saying that the support is not what I am used to from other companies, and I bought a drive with 5 years warranty because I use it for my business. It should not be a nightmare to get in touch with support when buying from a premium manufacturer like Intel, whatever the product is.

Esteemed Contributor III

I must say my drive was great over the 2 days I used it... When the x-25 drives had an issue like this, after the firmware update could people get the data back? Also has Intel even given an idea on a timeframe?

Esteemed Contributor III

the things is, even intel can replicate the issue in their lab

they still need to verify whether the issue is affect several batch# . version# . firmware or specific configuration etc etc.

they can't just rush out publish the report without finding the exact issue and how to fix

because for such big company, they can't afford stupid move ... you know like because some issue, their stock can fall out or something else which have impact to their company