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Is 320 firmware buggy?

Esteemed Contributor III

Be wary of the new Intel SSD 320 series. Currently, there's a bug in the

controller that can cause the device to revert to 8MB during a power failure. AFAIK they have not yet publicly announced it, and won't have a firmware fix ready for release until the end of July. We had an SSD 320 600GB 2.5" SATA drive in for evaluation from our Intel rep. I was able to kill it in two or three hours by power cycling it. Apparently (according to the Intel rep) when the power failure is happening, the SSD device tries to reconnect with the SATA port instead of initiating a proper shutdown. Something to do with interrupt priority being higher for reconnection rather than a proper shutdown.

I don't know how much truth is to this post. Has there been any official acknowledgement of this problem?

125 REPLIES 125

Esteemed Contributor III

Philsbeast: you have a point, but in this case the failure is random and can occur anytime. So that somebody has used it for a period without failure does not rule out the possibility of future failure. Any kind of pattern would be extremely hard to establish. Also, at a guess, I don't think it is any kind of combination of equipment, it is too common for that, and has occured in many different combinations. It's a problem with the drive itself, hopefully the firmware but who knows?

Esteemed Contributor III

it will hard to fix if random, how you can fix something if you didn't know what cause it?

at this point we only got one hint : power-cycle

but again the hint need more detail, because AFAIK power-cycle have bad effect since spindle hdd, even electronics

we need to track down what cause the issue, like i said on my previous post, maybe there is possibility of bad batch, you should remember that intel 320 using 25nm nand

so people got the issue, posting down their ssd batch/version# with more info would help gatter some data

i know this is not reliable, but newegg review for intel ssd 320 series so far good if not great

there lots worst review for other ssd

Esteemed Contributor III

My failure AFAIK did not occur during a power cycle. It was in my M6500 laptop running on a docking station. There may have been some momentary power off on perhaps, I don't remember that, but it just started having issues reading from the drive. Then on reboot - the file system was gonzo.

Esteemed Contributor III

Basically you go from enjoying the most awesome running system upgrade to a "WTF??? This can't be happening to me!!!" in a flash.

Esteemed Contributor III

so far no problem for me.. and hopefully not.. need to run a backup disk..