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Intel 520 freezes on MacBook Pro/Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi all,

I installed an Intel 520 SSD (240GB) in my MacBook Pro yesterday. After reinstalling the system, I moved my datas.

I encounter freezes! A few seconds freezes/hangs. Quite often actually.

It seems a bit random but it is really annoying! The whole computer is frozen.

I noticed it happens more often when a lots of datas are going in and out. Browsing the web doesn't do much things. Copying a file from a disk image (DMG) to desktop, it freezes… sometimes.

The SSD has the 400i firmware. I installed the drive in the HHD bay. Negotiated Link Speed is 6 Gigabit. MacBook Pro EFI is up-to-date. Software is up-to-date.

I haven't activated the "Trim Enabler" software (Mac OS X doesn't manage for 3rd party drives).

I cannot run the SSD Toolbox from my Mac. I'll try to install Windows and see if it hangs up.

Have you heard about these problems? What can I do? I don't want to keep a drive behaving like this!

Thanks for your help,


Esteemed Contributor III

same problem in MBP13 late2011

Esteemed Contributor III

Hello, on this case the recommendation will be to contact the Mac technical support because Mac systems requires specific hardware for them to work properly, Intel(R) does not have any toolboox that can work on that operating system so you cannot perform an optimization or a full diagnostic, it is possible that you are experiencing a hardware compatibility issue.