05-03-2012 05:09 AM
Just regged here to confirm my situation. I was running a setup of Intel P55 board with an i5-750 Win7 x64 for the past 2 years at stock settings 24/7 stable. I decided to install the new Intel 330 120GB SSD and when the computer was idling the computer froze. When i switched back to the SATA HDD this freezing went away. After researching a bit for known SandForce BSOD issues i came across some posts that suggested i disabled the C3/C6 states of the CPU. After i did that the BSODS and the freezing went away on the new SSD as well.
Can i have a confirmation that this is indeed the correct way to stop the freezes? Is it a SandForce issue that Intel eventually didn't resolve? I hate to kill the higher states of the CPU just to have a stable OS, i am losing Turbo Boost function this way. Please inform if this is a defective drive before i return it, or this is a known issue.