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Different between A+B Stepping Intel X25 G2

Esteemed Contributor III

I have found this List.

Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (7mm), A stepping (SSDSA2MH080G201)

Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (7mm), B stepping (SSDSA2MJ080G201) Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm), A stepping (SSDSA2MH080G2C1) Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm), B stepping (SSDSA2MJ080G2C1) Intel X25-M 80GB SATA Solid State Drive (9.5mm Retail) (SSDSA2MH080G2R5)

What is the different between a stepping and b stepping ?


New Contributor

A stepping, in the semiconductor industry, means a revision of one of the integrated circuits - probably the controller chip. Such revisions are usually to correct errors (er - "errata"). Intel publishes errata lists for its CPUs but may not for the SSD controllers. There won't be any functionality difference. Might just be a timing cleanup or some such. I can see that the product SKU changed.

It's also possible that it's a revision to the circuit board - trace change, part change, etc.

Esteemed Contributor III

jonat wrote:

A stepping, in the semiconductor industry, means a revision of one of the integrated circuits - probably the controller chip. Such revisions are usually to correct errors (er - "errata"). Intel publishes errata lists for its CPUs but may not for the SSD controllers. There won't be any functionality difference. Might just be a timing cleanup or some such. I can see that the product SKU changed.

It's also possible that it's a revision to the circuit board - trace change, part change, etc.

What do you mean with "SKU" ? Greetings TommyBoy

Esteemed Contributor III

SKU means "part number" or "model number", e.g. SSDSA2MH080G201.