05-06-2010 09:06 AM
Hi All,
First, I'm an Intel employee. Thought you should know . In an effort to make this communities site a more useful place and to reduce the amount of repeat questions, we've added a new users guide. You can check it out here:
http://www.intel.com/support/ssdc/hpssd/sb/CS-031549.htm http://www.intel.com/support/ssdc/hpssd/sb/CS-031549.htm
Even if you're not a new user, take a look ; it may answer some standing questions you have. Also, we're open to suggestions on further topics you'd like to see us cover. Thanks for your support!
05-23-2010 10:00 AM
Thank you and I am going to assume that you have System Restore on in your system correct? Further, I elected to put together http://thessdreview.blogspot.com/2010/05/windows-7-system-restore-and-your-ssd.html an article on my blog that explains things in detail...
http://www.thessdreview.blogspot.com The SSD Review
05-23-2010 08:20 PM
Ya got me there.
I've been reading about this issue, but I plan to keep System Restore on until I get an image and file backup configuration and schedule that I'm happy with.
Nice blog! Think I'll subscribe to your RSS feeds...
05-24-2010 06:16 AM
Scott, I think the "problem" is this. Your guide is great for a non enthusiast that just wants to plug something in that then works. The "problem" is that due to the cost of SSD's the current market is limited to the enthusiast sector. For an enthusiast the guide is of no real interest. OK no Superfetch, but why? Why does it negatively affect performance?
The info you give your resellers is in complete contrast to what you give to end users. Those conference videos that explained things like the over provisioning capability to extend life give people a chance to make informed decisions. That is exactly the type of information I was hoping you would elaborate on.
Why are you guys so paranoid? Do you think that giving enthusiast information will inadvertently give away trade secretes or assist someone cause damage that would cause a warranty problem?
With regards to road maps why the secrecy with SSD? Intel CPU's have well published road maps so why not SSD?
With regards to raid it seems that the smaller the stripe size the higher the iops but the lower the throughput. What that does to wear of defragmentation I have no idea. It would be helpful to know.
05-24-2010 07:04 AM
redux, I think you hit the nail on the head. Good points.
The SSD User Guide as-is will be useful for the general population as prices come down. But, whether or not Intel ends up with an SSD Quick-Start Guide and a seperate Advanced User Guide, enthusiasts/system builders need something more in-depth. Looks like Scott is open to expanding issues addressed in the guide.