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Bought a new Intel 520. Is the chassis back plate suppose to look very tarnished? [Pics]

Esteemed Contributor III

Bought a new Intel 520 from in Canada. Drive came in a very small cardboard box with the drive in a sealed static bag and a Intel SSD sticker.

My main gripe with it is that it doesn't look new. The metal/aluminum on the back of the drive looks tarnished and scratch marks appear where the screws go to mount it. One side of the chassis has a black skid line.

Should I contact NCIX about this? The website advertise it as a brand new drive..

Serial number is CVCV204607BG123BGN


Esteemed Contributor III

Esteemed Contributor III

It would appear this is a 'feature' of the 520 series.

This is how my retail SSD arrived, and several website reviewers have commented on it too. Although this face should be hidden once installed, it's remarkably shabby for such a hi-tech piece of kit.

Once the SSD is installed, download and run Intel SSD Toolbox. This can tell you the Power On Count (hopefully 1) and GB wrtitten/read (0.00 unless you've installed Windows), which should tell you if the drive has been used. Although I'm not sure these aren't reset when Secure Erasing the drive.

Esteemed Contributor III

Thank you Dennis~

Esteemed Contributor III

I wouldn't be happy if my drive looked like this. C'mon Intel. the drive costs enough - put a consistent finish on it.

It looks like there is some kind of "chemical wash" that left "stains" on the housing. Just my opinion... As many perople seem to be receiving drives in thei socndition, you should be fine.

Where is the black line you mentioned? I don't se it in the pics.