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SSD not visble in Toolbox 3 (also not in "disk management")

hello,I've an Intel SSD X-25M 80Gb G2 for about 2years now. It's installed in my Toshiba P300-175 notebook. In the other slot i've a Western Digital of 1TB.For the intel SSD, I always used the toolboxes. I never had problems with them as they were ve...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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X18-M 80GB SSD now reported as 8MB Bootloader.

Hi,I have two 80GB X18-M SSDs. Had a few problems upgrading my laptop to Windows 7 so updated the firmware on the drives to the latest version, which I did without any problems/error messages. Attempted to install Windows on the drive but it crashed...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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Silent corruption issue in Intel 320 Series SSD on MacBook Pro (Lion)

Hello, I purchased an Intel 320 Series 120gb SSD from for a brand-new 17" MacBook Pro on July 2, 2011. I installed it in my optical bay, and being wary of SSD write fatigue, I just used it for OS installation and applications. I used my ha...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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SOJVZ is missing - SSD Error?

So I have had this error message twice now in just over 1 month. It happened on the same computer, but with two diffrent mobos, and with the mobo changes came cpu and ram changes. The SSDs(2-x25MG2 RAID0) were the boot drives in both situations. 1 re...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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