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Forum Posts

How does secure erase 3.3 work on an intel G2 Drive?

I recently bought a new or maybe used intel x25-m mainstream drive. I would like to check how much data has been written to disk using intel toolbox, checking the smart values report, I noticed a value labeled "host writes" after a Secure Erase and w...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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why read IOPS are more when measured after erasing the SSD

Hi,I am trying to measure performance of Intel X25-V SSD. I am getting rand read IOPS ~47K after erasing the SSD. But after doing few write, rand read IOPS drop down to 23.6K (Intel's benchmark says 25K). What could be the reason for getting more ...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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Paragon Alignment Tool (PAT)

Yesterday, I downloaded the Paragon SSD Alignment Tool and whitepaper from their website . Yesterday it was free today they ...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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X25-E SSD trim feature on Windows 2008 R2 x64

I have searched far and wide the internets, but still can't get a straight answer for this question:"After updating to the latest firmware (02HD), does or does not the X25-E SSD support the Trim feature on a Windows 2008 R2 x64 platform?"If it does, ...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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Intel SSD Toolbox - error connecting to drive

Hello,I have bought Intel SSD X 25-M 160 GB G2. My motherboard is Gigabyte 790 XTA AM3. I installed Windows 7 ultimate on the SSD. Installed intel sss toolbox utility. It was working fine then. Later I installed MB drivers, disabled defragmentation, ...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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