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Forum Posts

Extremely slow perfomance on intel ssd 2 generation 2 160gb.............

I dont know where is the problem i have mac book pro 15" custom configuration intel core 2 duo t9900 ,4gb ddr 3 ,nvidia 9400+9600, intel 160gb generation 2 ssd i think my trim is on and i have extremely slow perfomance i also ran intel ssd toolbox i ...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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RMA Question

I am curious is Intel x25-m drive still under warranty if I was to say buy the item from a 3rd party such as craigslist? If so is there anything I would need to get from the person I am buying from?Sadly I would love to buy it new but at $2.50 per GB...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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Is AS SSD tool stats accurate for hard drives?

This question is not Intel specific but I am asking it here because I know a few users here use AS SSD for benchmarking. I used the tool on a couple of hard drives and got scores of 12 & 15. Very low. Are stats from AS SSD accurate for hard drives or...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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SSD with Partitions question

I'm planning on re-installing Windows 7 on a Intel 80gb SSD 2nd Gen.I like to have my Operating system and programs on the C: partition and all the personal data on another partition.This way, I can restore the C: drive entirely and all my personal D...

idata by Esteemed Contributor III
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