07-11-2015 01:41 AM
Доброго времени суток, есть один серьезный вопрос, по поводу использования данного накопителя SSD x25-m 160gb. Использовал его по назначению, но из-за плохого Sata 2 шлейфа, теперь в S.M.A.R.T. появилось сообщение B8 превышение. На работу как файловую систему это не влияет, но не дает установить операционные системы. Как можно обнулить данный параметр ? Или мне стоит отнестись к продукту как к плохому?
Eng ver.
Good time of day, there is a serious question about the use of the drive SSD x25-m 160gb. Use it for its intended purpose, but because of poor Sata 2 plume, now SMART message appears B8 excess. To work as a file system is not affected, but does not install the operating system. How can I reset this parameter? Or should I treat the product as a bad thing?
07-13-2015 11:11 AM
Hello La2Angel,
As I understand, your Intel® SSD X25-M is reporting an excessive amount of B8 counters in the SMART details, and the computer is not able to install the Operating System on that drive.
The B8 SMART attribute indicates End to End Error Detection Count, this value reports the number of errors encountered during Logical Block Address (LBA) tag checks within the SSD data path. The increase of this attribute indicates a problem in the drive.
SMART attributes can't be reset since they are meant to monitor the drive's health and history.
It would be advised for you to perform a back up of any relevant data you may have on that drive before taking any further action.
Please http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/contactsupport Contact Intel Customer Support so you can check the overall status of the SSD and confirm Warranty eligibility.
You can monitor the drive health and SMART details with https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/18455/Intel-Solid-State-Drive-Toolbox Intel® SSD Toolbox, also, you can use the http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/warranty Warranty Center to check warranty coverage for your SSD.