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Setting Rapid Storage Data and Cache volume

Esteemed Contributor III


I have 30GB SSD with the Intel's Rapid Start and Storage technology.

The original setup was in Intel Rapid Storage software:


- Volume_001: 8GB (data)

- Volume_002: 22GB (cache)

I disabled acceleration and could use SSD as separate drive.

Now i want to restore original drive structure 8GB (data) and 22GB (cache) volume,

but i see only 30 GB (cache) in Rapid Storage software after enable acceleration.

I can't set 8GB data volume.

I created 8GB hibernation partition with diskpart (create partition primary size=8192 id=84) too

and start technology worked, but after enabling acceleration i got 30 GB (cache) volume without hibernation or data volume.

My question is how to restore the original drive structure?


Esteemed Contributor III

Try doing a diskpart / clean on the SSD and see if the accelerate button shows up.

Esteemed Contributor III

I guess what I am doing can't be done/unsupported. You cannot use an SSD to accelerate another SSD. From internal training resources @ Dell.

In the BIOS, the mSATA card, spindle HDD and SSD all have a different rank in the boot preference. It lies SDD>mSATA>HDD. So you can accelerate only to drives lower on the rank. This is an non-modifiable BIOS setting and is managed by the Intel controller we use. This should be the same with all IRST enabled boards, from what I can tell, but cannot confirm. In order to accelerate, you need to have a drive that is considered "faster" for access than where the data portion is going to reside, otherwise, the IRST ignores the accelerate option. So, in essence, you cannot accelerate to an SSD.