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Replaced my intel SSD with a HDD (Moved intel SSD to another computer) and now readyboost will not work with HDD?

Esteemed Contributor III



I'm hoping someone can help me with this. I removed a Intel X-25M (34nm) from a netbook and replaced it with a HDD. Both the superfetch and the readyboost were disabled. After much web searching, I finally determined how to turn back on the superfetch. (It had to be done through the registry. Simply going into superfetch under services would not work!) SuperFetch is now operating but I'm still getting an odd message on the readyboost tab for any memory card that I place into the netbook. ("Readyboost is not enabled on this computer because the system disk is fast enough that readyboost is unlikely to provide additional benefit") I know this is wrong because I use to use readyboost in this netbook with this HDD before I put the SSD into the netbook. There may be a registry edit to allow the readyboost to work again.

I've tried every obvious answer.

-Removed Intel tool box and cleaned registry.

-Removed and re-run the Windows Experience Index.

-Deleted the readyboost and superfetch files on the computer.

-Several edits to the registry "SysMain" area per suggestions.

....It should be noted that there are several references on line of people with this same issue. No one has come up with a working fix other then re-installing the entire operating system.

Thanks for any help.



Valued Contributor II

You may consider contacting Microsoft* since your question is specifically related to Readyboost.

Esteemed Contributor III


Thanks for the response. I will post this on a Microsoft community but I was hoping that someone would know what change was made in the registry by the Intel tool box that stops the Readyboost from working. (It was actually quite a challenge to turn back on the "superfetch" described above.) Since these changes were made by Intel software, I was hoping someone would be able to tell me how to reverse these changes.

Again, Thanks for any help....
