01-19-2013 08:09 PM
I have a K9N2 Diamond motherboard and BIOS v2.7. I recently bought an Intel SSD 520 Series and when I connect it, the BIOS does not recognise the HDD at all. When I try to install Windows 7, the HDD is shown at the list, but it says that I can not install Windows at the HDD.
I have tried to connect the HDD at SATA port 5 and 6 and set the RAID mode to ACHI and also at ports 1 and 2 and set the RAID mode to IDE. Nothing works.
Any ideas?
02-01-2013 08:16 PM
I have connected the HDD with the cable that is in the box and it still does not work. I tested the cable with my old SDD and it works fine.
Any other ideas?