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SSD 510 Series Drive Access Lockup

Esteemed Contributor III

I am seeing some odd behavior with my SSDSC2MH250A2 drives. I have two of these connected to my DX58SO2 motherboard. What was happening was that access to my second SSD drive would cause Windows to freeze. The OS itself would hang while trying to access to drive. I was not sure what was causing this, and I thought I had defective hardware at first.

I had to hold down the power button due to some of these freezes. After doing this, I ran a chkdsk /f for both drives followed by rebooting to ensure the file system was intact. My second SSD drive was even freezeing or extremely slow during the chkdsk. I had to hold down the power button during one chkdsk after it reported unexpected errors.

I ran Intel's SSD Toolbox followed by running the SSD Optimizer for both drives. After doing this, the freezing issues seemed to have stopped. Here is where I am confused though-- I am running Windows 7 Professional, and the Intel PDFs I have read stated that the functionality of the SSD Optimizer is built into Windows 7. This leads me to believe I should not need to run the optimizer.

I do not understand why the SSD drives would cause the OS to hang after about three weeks of use. I can find no firmware updates for the 510 series at all.


Esteemed Contributor III

I googled with keywords "driver detected controller error on Ideport4" and found this post:

The solution in that case was to replace the SATA cable.

Esteemed Contributor III

I appreciate your responses, and I will ask the shop who built the desktop about this. I do not think this is the issue or will resolve the problem. I think it's an issue with Intel's hardware and/or drivers they must resolve. Lots of people seem to be sharing this problem, and I think Intel may even be aware of the problem.

I will take my desktop to the shop who built it. They did provide high quality and well costructed SATA cable for the SSD drives. I will get their opinion on this issue.

I will also try turning off AHCI in the BIOS to see if the issue goes away. Again, I think it's a hardware or driver issue.

I should have gotten a Mac Pro instead 😕

Esteemed Contributor III

It looks like SSD drive # 2 (which is my data drive) has gone bad. My OS drive is good. I will have the shop contact Intel for an RMA.

Drive # 2 now consistently fails the Fast Diagnostic Scan. Drive # 1 still passes it for now. I tried switching from AHCI to IDE. This made no difference. Also, now the second drive never completes a chkdsk /f during boot. It only passes a regular chkdsk if I run it from within Windows.

I'm going to try deleting the partition and doing a full diagnostic scan on the drive.

Esteemed Contributor III

The full format completed relatively quickly. Afterward, the SSD Quick Diagnostic scan passed. Good news, I thought.

However, the Full Diagnostic scan failed the Read scan. It still continued on with the Data Integrity scan. Now at 72%, the Operating System is locked up again.

I was under the impression that a storage device having no moving parts would be more reliable. It looks like I was terribly mistaken! (considering I've not lost data with a new hard drive to date).

At this point, there is nothing else I can do. I'll follow up with the shop who built the computer.

Esteemed Contributor III

By the way, ideports 4 and 5 are my bluray burners. These are not my SSD drives.