11-30-2009 12:45 AM
The end of the month is here and now the community want their new firmware!
I want some reliable info about the release. No false statements!! Is It coming today? Or?
I believe this question is asked over and over again, but I ask It again anyway
12-01-2009 03:35 AM
Could someone upload the buggy firmware update somewhere? I need to recover a bricked intel SDD. Intel is awful as usual.
12-01-2009 04:25 AM
At least they would update the situation with a new communicate...
12-01-2009 04:28 AM
# wait
12-01-2009 11:03 AM
You can Download from http://rapidshare.com/files/314869274/091006_1210.ISO.html here max. 10 times.
12-01-2009 12:36 PM
Hey guys may want to check this out.
It stated that the firmware is "proposed" and "almost finish", but it'll be "lined on the following week". What the hell does that mean? Post was dated Nov 27. Why can't Intel straight up tell us about this instead of scoundering the internet for info. For some reason, the english is kind of off, but I find that their articles are pretty close aka when the 1st 02ha firmware was to come out. So if you can't find info go to there xtreviews.com website cause apparently only intel talks to the press and not their own forums.
Also they have a separate article about Samsungs New SSDs (Look in related articles at the bottom). 30nm, DDR memory, and writing speeds have improvement.