12-23-2009 08:06 AM
Hi I just bought my intel x25m 80gb gen 2 ssd yesterday. I am new to the ssd game and was just wondering if I have to disable superfetch and prefetch in win 7 as I noticed they are enabled. I am also using the default microsoft ahci driver so trim will work if that helps, Thanks.
12-23-2009 09:42 AM
You don't need to disable these things. Win 7 will use them when appropriate. There should be no prefetching for a well-performing SSD, which yours should be. If you have non-SSDs in the system, I expect prefetching from them would take place and provide some benefit, although I don't know for sure.
12-23-2009 10:07 AM
Ok thanks, How can I check if prefetching is active, is there some kind of log somewhere in win 7 that would tell me.
12-23-2009 10:59 AM
Hi Chris,
These services are active and are used ill-regardless of whether you have a SSD or not. I disabled these for mine because they offer no benefit for SSD's. Most sites will advise that you disable these services if you have a SSD.
12-23-2009 11:01 AM
Ok thanks.