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Intel 510 elm crest 120gb SSD Help...

Esteemed Contributor III

i got a question the reason i change in my efi bios to ahci rather ide was because i seen a major increase in read/write let say if i get another ssd to make it much faster and majorly more space should i raid it?? and if i do then how will this effect my hhd's i have and my dvdrwr i have on the sata ports??? please any help would be great,...thanks...this is my setup just incase you guys want to see my built::::


Esteemed Contributor III

I means the OS is sending the trim command to the SSD. okay so is there anything i can do about this??

Esteemed Contributor III

I'm not sure what your question is. You would want the OS to send the trim command. That is what you want. The rest is up to the SSD itself.

Esteemed Contributor III

no what im saying is that 0 means that the trim is enabled by the os right? but is there no way of knowing if it is exactly doing it with a app? or such?

Esteemed Contributor III

It means that trim is enabled. your SSD supports trim. It is a logical assumption that the SSD is being Trimmed. You will know in future benchmarks when the ssd maintains the same performance. If you want to test it, open the Intel toolbox, run the full diagnostic scan. Wait a few hours, then benchmark it again. If your benchmark is close to the one you have already done you will know that trim is working.

Esteemed Contributor III

will do thanks!