12-02-2009 07:44 AM
As /message/71345# 71345 http://communities.intel.com/message/71345# 71345 didn't work I found a better way update to the new firmware from a USB-drive:
Before we start you'll have to Open "My Computer". Either from Start Menu or by hitting the Windows Button + E. Now in the new window, press ALT button. Select Tools, then Folder Options. Under View select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives". Also uncheck "Hide protected operating files". Select "Ok".
A) Download the latest firmware, as we speak it's 02HD. http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=18363 http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=18363
B) Now you need a program like PowerISO or UltraISO to extract the content from the ISO file to a temporary folder of your choice.
C) One of the extracted files is config.sys. Open the file with notepad and make sure to remove the two "A:\". The file should look like like this afterwards:
DEVICE=HIMEM.EXELASTDRIVE=ZBUFFERS=20 FILES=40DOS=HIGH,UMBDOSDATA=UMBSHELLHIGH=command.com /PD) Now navigate to http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/191416-dos-usb-boot-drive.html http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/191416-dos-usb-boot-drive.html and download the two zip files, win98boot.zip and HPUSBformattool.zip.
E) Unzip the win98boot.zip to a temporary folder of your choice.
F) Insert you USB-drive.
G) Extract the HPUSBFW.EXE from the downloaded HPUSBformattool.zip, and run the program.
H) Make sure the tool has selected the correct device. Pick FAT32. Check quick format. Check create a DOS startup disk and browse to the folder with the unzipped win98boot.zip files. Click start, yes and ok. Close the tool.
I) Now navigate to the extracted ISO files (the files we extracted in 2.) and copy them all EXCEPT command.com and paste them to the drive you just prepared with the HP tool.
J) Restart and enter BIOS to select your USB-drive as your primary boot device. Save and exit.
K) Now it should boot from your USB-drive and auto start the update proces.
06-07-2010 11:45 PM
Tried this, the update went really smooth, and took only a few minutes. thanks niemion!
06-10-2010 07:42 AM
Sadly it didnt work for me, i have no idea what the deal is. The firmware upgrade just does not detect my SSD although im able to access it. Im also unable to install windows 7 into it. Installation stays on 1% then after a few hours it tells me it was unable to install. I'm definitly in a bind here nothing is workig for me. I'm thinking once i upgrade the firmware it will allow me to install windows 7.
06-11-2010 12:36 AM
check your bios, if you see anything funny about the drive, it might be dead.
06-11-2010 09:35 AM
I finally got the firmware to detect the ssd by removing all other hard drives and putting the ssd on SATA 1. It told me the firmware was already upgraded. I was able to install vista 64 but not windows 7 64 for some reason. Maybe it has to do with the CD, although i've used it before and it worked fine. I'm goin to try putting windows 7 into a flash drive and see if that method will work.
06-07-2011 11:30 AM
I'm facing some problems. I downloaded the ISO file, and extracted with 7-Zip to get:
[BOOT] folder with Bootable_2.88M.img inside
Not seeing the config.sys, I installed PowerISO, extract the file using PowerISO, and ended up with only
I then went ahead and extracted the Bootable_2.88M.img that I got previously using 7-Zip, and got:
Still no config.sys so I went ahead and open fdconfig.sys, only to find this line:
shell=command.com command.com /P
What am I doing wrong?