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02HA Poll.

Esteemed Contributor III

UPDATE 10-31-09 @3:20p




III - GOOD=01 BAD=00 AAA - GOOD=02 BAD=00 AIA - GOOD=02 BAD=00

RIR - GOOD=00 BAD=01



III - GOOD=03 BAD=00 AAA - GOOD=06 BAD=02 AIA - GOOD=05 BAD=04 RAR - GOOD=02 BAD=00 RIR - GOOD=03 BAD=00


AAA - GOOD=01 BAD=00 AIA - GOOD=01 BAD=00 IIA - GOOD=01 BAD=00

Also reworded some of the questions. PLEASE POST ANSWERS ONLY. Thx


Hey, guys, I think we should take some info of those who updated their g2's. It's really hard to see what's going. I think people should list the stuff on their computer and what was on it before the firmware flash. It might be a lot easier to see a commonality. In my opinon, Intel should have made the flash update a destructive one. Wipe the drive off clean before updating the flash. That way a lot of variables for error is reduced. I have a feeling the trim command is getting some instructions all messed up with a filesystem already present. Yeah i know it's a lot of questions but...


Here' it goes...

1-Bios updated to Latest? (YES or NO)

2-What g2 size 80 or 160g? (80 or 160)

3-Was drive BRAND NEW / ERASED (hdd erase/reformat)/ INSTALLED (OS already installed) before update?

4-Is the drive partitioned? (YES or NO)

5-other harddrives installed? (YES or NO)

6-Was drive aligned BEFORE and AFTER update?

7-OS that you have installed or will be installing?

8-If using windows and already installed, what driver is being used before updating firmware? (Intel or MS, AHCI, IDE) if applicable

9-Bios setting before update? (IDE, AHCI, RAID, etc)

during update? (IDE, AHCI, RAID, etc)

after update? (IDE, AHCI, RAID, etc)

10-Did you run the flasher via USB or CD?

11-How many times did you run the flasher? (1x, 2x, 3x)

12-Was there an error when flashing? (YES or NO)

13-After it flashed and the computer rebooted, did you immediately change the settings back to what it was before booting/installing OS? (YES or NO)

14-When booted in Windows did it install a driver? (YES or NO) if applicable

15-What driver did it install?

16-If possible, what driver is being used in Windows after firmware? (Intel or MS, AHCI, IDE)

17-Is the G2 drive bad or working fine? (BAD or GOOD)

List your system specs too and if possible chipset (south bridge chip)

List you SSD manufacturing date.

Anything else you think I missed please say.


***Don't do it if you're not comfortable with it.

Hopefully the information given can help INTEL resolve this issue quicker as it seems to be easier to get information quicker on the forums than individual emails.


Esteemed Contributor III

1-Bios updated to Latest? (YES or NO) YES

2-What g2 size 80 or 160g? (80 or 160) 80

3-Is the drive partitioned? (YES or NO) YES (Win7 configured it as part of initial on a clean disk)

4-other harddrives installed? (YES or NO) YES (2xWD 1TB in RAID1 as data drives)

5-What version of 7, x86, x64? (using or will be using) Win7 Home x64 RETAIL

6-Was windows 7 Installed already or was it clean? (INSTALLED or CLEAN) Clean: fresh install

7-Was it aligned before and after update? N/A

8-Did you reformat or leave windows on before update?(INSTALLED or ERASED or BRAND NEW) BRAND NEW

9-Was Intel optimizer installed before or after update? (BEFORE or AFTER) BEFORE

10-If optimizer was Installed BEFORE the update did you run it? (YES or NO) YES (and it stated that the drive FW needed updating, but displayed drive data like SMART, etc.)

11-Bios and windows setting before update? (IDE, AHCI, RAID, etc) -list both if applicable RAID

12-Setting during update? (IDE, AHCI, RAID, etc) IDE

13-Setting after update? (IDE, AHCI, RAID, etc) RAID

14-Did you run the flasher twice before booting or installing Win7? (1x, 2x, 3x) 1x

15-Was there an error when flashing? (YES or NO) No

16-After it flashed and the computer started (Windows was installed before update), did you immediately change the settings back to what it was before booting into windows? (YES or NO) Yes

17-When booted in Windows 7 did it install a driver? (YES or NO) Yes

18-Is the G2 drive bricked or working fine? (BAD or GOOD) BAD

System specs:

DFI LP UT X58-T3eH8 w/ D619 FW

Core i7 920 w/ Zalmon 9000 (not O/C)

3x2GB OCZ 10666

1xIntel 80GB G2 SSD (boot)

2xWD 1TB RAID1 (data)

Sapphire Radeon 5870

Antec 850W Signature PSU

Antec P182 case

Esteemed Contributor III

1-Bios updated to Latest? YES

2-What g2 size 80 or 160g? 160

3-Is the drive partitioned? YES

4-other harddrives installed? YES

5-What version of 7, x86, x64? x64

6-Was windows 7 Installed already or was it clean? INSTALLED

7-Was it aligned before and after update? YES

8-Did you reformat or leave windows on before update? INSTALLED

9-Was Intel optimizer installed before or after update? wanted to install it AFTERwards

10-If optimizer was Installed BEFORE the update did you run it? -

11-Bios and windows setting before update? AHCI

12-Setting during update? IDE Native Mode

13-Setting after update? AHCI

14-Did you run the flasher twice before booting or installing Win7? 1x

15-Was there an error when flashing? NO BUT DRIVE IS DEAD SINCE REBOOT

16-After it flashed and the computer started (Windows was installed before update), did you immediately change the settings back to what it was before booting into windows? YES

17-When booted in Windows 7 did it install a driver? BOOTING SLOWED DOWN WITH SDD CONNECTED, BIOS CAN'T FIND SSD ANY MORE

18-Is the G2 drive bricked or working fine? BAD

GIGABYTE P35-DS4 2.1 with latest firmware

Intel Core2Quad Q6600 @ 3.00 GHz

2x 2 GB OCZ Platinum DDR2-1066 5-5-5-15

ATI Radeon 4870 512MB

1x Intel X25-M G2 Postville 160GB

1x Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1500GB (ST31500341AS)

SSD is dead after flashing, see /thread/7737?tstart=0 my thread for details.

Esteemed Contributor III

1-Bios updated to Latest? YES

2-What g2 size 80 or 160g? 80

3-Is the drive partitioned? YES

4-other harddrives installed? YES

5-What version of 7. x64 Ultimate RTM from Technet

6-Was windows 7 Installed already or was it clean? INSTALLED

7-Was it aligned before and after update? Yes

8-Did you reformat or leave windows on before update? INSTALLED

9-Was Intel optimizer installed before or after update? BEFORE

10-If optimizer was Installed BEFORE the update did you run it? NO

11-Bios and windows setting before update? AHCI

12-Setting during update? AHCI

13-Setting after update? AHCI

14-Did you run the flasher twice before booting or installing Win7? 1x only

15-Was there an error when flashing? NO

16-After it flashed and the computer started (Windows was installed before update), did you immediately change the settings back to what it was before booting into windows? N/A - no settings changed

17-When booted in Windows 7 did it install a driver? YES - and rebooted after that fine

18-Is the G2 drive bricked or working fine? GOOD

List your system specs too.

Abit IP35-Pro Motherboard

Jmicron controller disabled (always has been since I dont use it)

Drive on port 2 of ICH9R contoller

SATA DVD-RW on port 1, 640GB WD SATA on port 0. BIOS is set to boot from CD first, then SSD.

SDD manufacturing date. I'll check this when I get home this evening and update this post.

Esteemed Contributor III

1-Bios updated to Latest? YES (Ver 1A)

1-What g2 size 80 or 160g? 80

2-Is the drive partitioned? YES (100MB system partition is the first partition - its always been like that out of the box)

3-other harddrives installed? YES

3-Was windows 7 Installed already or was it clean? INSTALLED

4-What version of 7, x86, x64? x64

5-Was it aligned before and after update? Don't know

6-Did you reformat or leave windows on before update? INSTALLED - then had to reformat 

7-Was Intel optimizer installed before or after update? Neither

8-If optimizer was Installed before the update did you run it? N/A

9-Bios and windows setting before update? BIOS: AHCI Windows: AHCI

10-Setting during update? IDE (fw update wouldn't see SSD unless set to this)

11-Setting after update? AHCI

12-Did you run the flasher twice before booting or installing Win7? Only once 

13-Was there an error when flashing? NO - But it didnt return a successfull update and just hung - so had to reboot 

14-After it flashed and the computer started, did you immediately change the settings back to what it was before booting into windows? YES

15-When booted in Windows 7 did it install a driver? YES - Then crashed, After another reboot explorer kept crashing. 

16-Is the G2 drive bricked or working fine? Working fine - but wierd stat results in Windows7 

PC spec:

MSI P35 Neo2 / Q6600

4GB DDR2 800Mhz

GeForce 8800GT

SB X-Fi Fatal1ty


Intel X25-M G2 80gb SATA 0

1 x 500Gb SATA Seagate 7200.9 SATA 2

1 x 300Gb SATA Seagate 7200.8 SATA 3

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (RTM) / Standard Windows SATA/HDD drivers.

Esteemed Contributor III

1-Bios updated to Latest? (YES)

2-What g2 size 80 or 160g? (160)

3-Is the drive partitioned? (NO)

4-other harddrives installed? (NO)

5-What version of 7 (x64)

6-Was windows 7 Installed already or was it clean? (INSTALLED)

7-Was it aligned before and after update? (DON'T KNOW)

8-Did you reformat or leave windows on before update?(INSTALLED)

9-Was Intel optimizer installed before or after update? (AFTER)

10-If optimizer was Installed BEFORE the update did you run it?

11-Bios and windows setting before update? (AHCI)

12-Setting during update? (AHCI)

13-Setting after update? (AHCI)

14-Did you run the flasher twice before booting or installing Win7? (1x)

15-Was there an error when flashing? (NO)

16-After it flashed and the computer started (Windows was installed before update), did you immediately change the settings back to what it was before booting into windows?

17-When booted in Windows 7 did it install a driver? (NO)

18-Is the G2 drive bricked or working fine? (BAD)

ACER 6935G